
Milo Hess & Lisa Zari have joined forces to offer their
creative photo vision covering your personal- family- corporate- public events.
Milo is a 5 time Emmy Award winning NYC photojournalist with a background in art direction/design/news, a former art director at CBS and a designer of Time Warner Cable NY 1 News. Currently shooting freelance for a variety of NYC weekly newspapers. With a strong graphic design background he has done art direction/graphic design for Fortune 100 companies as well as freelance product design.
Multifaceted Lisa Zari is the founder and President of 'Z' WomanDesigns PR/Branding consulting company with a strong background in art, fashion, and photography. A former Elite model, she has been a successful photographer's agent at Zari Intl USA / Europa, representing renowned international photographers. One of the first in the industry to offer global talent. Zari has a strong presence on the NYC fashion and art scene. Both graduates of the HS of Art & Design and Pratt Institute, Lisa and Milo bring together a unique combination of art & photography.

CapturedColor - Images That Matter.

Please contact:

Lisa Zari
212 388-8541

Milo Hess
917 434-8003
